Comments on: If You’re “Watching Your Weight” It Won’t Go Anywhere! Simple Answers for Healthier Families Fri, 03 Jan 2020 20:18:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tina Sun, 15 Sep 2019 04:31:53 +0000 In reply to Lauren.

What is the challenge thst you hsve out there Katie?

By: Lauren Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:38:37 +0000 I don’t count calories but I do get hung up on “scale weight.”

I eat fats but I do feel like I need to restrict overall fat consumption and fruit and starchy vegetable consumption to lose any weight (like maybe some berries and a few apples a week, definitely not every day).

But, unlike calorie counting I’m able to maintain a fairly healthy seeming weight and appearance with a low carb diet. So that’s neat 🙂 and gives me confidence that this style of eating is indeed the way to go.

I do get frustrated when I don’t see the scale move at all but I do see a difference in appearance when I tighten up the diet (meaning, less paleo baked goods, less fruit, etc.), and throw in exercise too.

It’s just odd that the scale doesn’t budge. And based on conventional charts, I’m overweight, at 5′ 4″ and 146 pounds. I know it’s garbage science but still can’t pretend I’m not thrilled when I lose a few pounds. I think I need to be around 135, or I’d feel better, probably.

Did Weight Watchers years ago and it was so annoying, all the point counting!

My family also thinks I’m nuts with the high fat no grains thing 🙂

By: Erinmarie Xian Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:49:00 +0000 Katie, I have a personal question. I had a Diet Weight Loss plan worked up for me by the old Gym that i was Teaching Aerobics at and also training.  here is the breakdown they came up with for “Optimal Weight Loss” personalized for me.
Protein: 120-122 grms
Carbs:178-183 grms (!!!)
Fat: 35-36 grms
Calories approx 1500- 1550

Now of course I know what’s wrong with it but I’m still trying to figure out what my best ratio is for everything. Would it be too advantageous for me to assume that I could swap my Fat intake (so it would be 178-183grms) with my carb intake (this would now be under 50 grms) and that would be sufficient?
I know weveryone says “don;t count calories” etc but…I sometimes feel like I’m always hungry! I could literally eat like 6 eggs for breakfast and not be too full… I’m only 130lbs approx and last I checked about 19% BF. I’m usually b/t 20-24%…10 years ago, I was at 17% but I wasn’t even 20 yet so I’m sure that helped >:)   Please give me whatever feedback you can – I just can’t break my need for ORDER lol

By: Miller Fri, 12 Aug 2011 22:05:00 +0000 Hi Katie!
     About 6 years ago I got into a bad habit of eating a lot of junk food and hardly exercising.  I’d just gotten married, bought a house, fixed it up, moved, had some major changes at work, and I ended up gaining about 60 pounds in one year.  I decided to train for a marathon to lose the weight, and joined weight watchers at the same time.  After two years of literally running myself ragged, and practically starving all the time on a low-fat, high carb diet, I’d lost just 20 pounds.  I was so exhausted, and had so little to show for so much effort and sacrifice.  
     Then, I started seeking advice from a friend who operated a CrossFit gym on his Marine Base.  He introduced me to the Paleo lifestyle, and taught me this completely revolutionary way to look at nutrition and exercise.  I jumped in with both feet.  I lost the last 40 pounds in only 8 months!  I looked and felt better than I could have ever hoped for, and it was so much easier!

By: York Fri, 12 Aug 2011 18:11:00 +0000 Great post!  I think i may print this out and hand it to all of those who insist that i justify my choice in my diet.  When i get asked how i can stay so slim I typically get the “raised eyebrows” look.  Even from my family (who follow the CW and have type 2 D and heart disease)  None of them will even try the primal way b/c they are so sure that i am killing myself with the way i eat.  Soo sad!  My family is the only one out of me and my husband’s immediate families(2 sets of parents, 5 siblings and 4 neices/nephews) who are slim, active and healthy and we are the only ones that restrict our grains and sugar.  Kind of makes you wonder which way is right doesn’t it?  🙂

By: Cecilia Powers Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:39:00 +0000 i haven’t read through all the extra links yet, and i’m almost done watching fathead, but i have been doing the wellness challenge for 12 days now. and i have lost 5 lbs. where before, no matter what, i haven’t been able to lose weight. my calories are always “over” what my calorie counting website says it should be, by a good 500 or more. but i’ve been tracking my protein, fat and carbs on it. and i’ll admit, i have to force myself to get enough protein and fat, very new to me. but i’m not starving anymore, i sometimes have more energy (still working on this), feel good for the most part and have been losing weight. can’t get too much better!

By: Wellness Mama Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:31:00 +0000 In reply to Carol Sue Shride.

Good point!

By: Wellness Mama Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:10:00 +0000 In reply to Cecilia Powers.

awesome! Glad its going so well for you!

By: Wellness Mama Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:09:00 +0000 In reply to York.

I’ve had some of the same struggles from family and complete strangers. I always tried to take the time to patiently explain to family, but only if they asked questions, and a few of them are
coming around now. With strangers, I just have fun with it anymore
and attribute my health to “eating lots of fat all the time.” The looks on some peoples faces are priceless!

By: Carol Sue Shride Fri, 12 Aug 2011 08:24:00 +0000 Great post Katie! Add to all the above the affect our thoughts and beliefs have on the creation of our bodies.
