Simple Block by Block Art Project (The Whole Family Can Do!)
When you think back to your childhood, which memories stick out? Is it a favorite toy or birthday gift? Probably not. More than likely, your favorite memories involve some type…
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When you think back to your childhood, which memories stick out? Is it a favorite toy or birthday gift? Probably not. More than likely, your favorite memories involve some type…
Once I stumbled across some comments on an older blog post about letting kids help in the kitchen. Commenters insisted that they would never let their kids use knives, or would limit…
If you have kids (or ever were one) you know that boredom can be a huge struggle. But it can also be a chance to get creative and find new…
Oh motherhood! When we enter the amazing journey of carrying, birthing and raising a child, we learn many terms that previously we’d be unable to define… like perineal tear, sitz…
I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard the phrase, “I don’t know how you do it all with six kids!” And the secret is…. I don’t. At least…
Though my family has chosen to homeschool for various reasons, we’re not immune to the influx of illness as school begins. We aren’t outside as much as the weather gets…
I’ve had a running list in my phone of tips I found that saved me time or money (or made my life much easier). My hope was to work them…
I remember when one of the kids broke her leg while playing outside. Thankfully, kids bounce back quickly and she was back on her feet in about four weeks. During…
I’ve always been a huge advocate of getting my kids to play, especially outside during the summer. I feel like they are more well behaved, more tired at the end…
If you breastfeed, you probably know that a blocked or clogged milk duct is a painful and frustrating challenge that many nursing mothers encounter. Clogged milk ducts seem to come…
A couple of years ago on Mother’s Day, I shared a call to peace in the mommy wars and to step into our power as moms and women. Over the…
Let’s be honest… as moms, we will do just about anything to get our kids to sleep. Sleep is what makes a parent’s world go ’round. We need good sleep, and we…
Parents of toddlers always ask me for tips on three things: how to keep them busy, how to get them to eat healthy food, and how to potty train them.…
I remember how easy it was to “work out” in college. For one thing, I was walking miles each week just to get to class, and whenever I got stressed…
I’m a huge proponent of getting enough sleep despite how difficult that is in our modern lives. But sometimes it’s outside forces that are causing us or our kids to…
During every one of my pregnancies I’ve learned many new words and terms that I didn’t even know existed before we started having children… Words like placenta previa, nuchal cord,…
I’ve had to get creative finding ways to keep my older kids active indoors and engaged instead of bored. But toddlers are a whole other ball game! Toddlers are at…
A toddler’s appetite can sometimes seem like a bottomless pit! Their growing bodies require nourishment, and lots of it. Go beyond conventional finger foods like Cheerios and baby puffs with…
A healthy diet is vital during pregnancy, but it’s just as important while nursing. The body uses up a lot of calories and nutrients to make that amazing liquid gold…
Pregnant women may have that healthy glow, but there are plenty of skin issues that can also accompany motherhood. From hormonal acne to stretch marks and everything in between, it…
I’ll never forget when a video called “The World’s Toughest Job” went viral. In this video, people came in to interview for a job for “Director of Operations” and were…
Pregnancy, labor, birth, and then breastfeeding… all of these things put high physical strain and demand for nutrients on a mom’s body. It’s so important to take time to nourish…
The decision to cloth diaper is easy for some. But if you are like me, there are a million questions that need to be answered first! Cloth diapering today is…
Utah recently passed legislation to “legalize the 80s” and let kids play outside again without fear of CPS being called on the parents. The new law essentially defined the difference…